Important Online Safety Information

This website has a “quick exit” button near the top right-hand corner of each page on desktop and is visible on your mobile device on all pages. This button will close the NQWLS website and replace it with Google, as well as open a new tab with another Google search that cannot go back. The button may be helpful if you are worried that you are being monitored and you are concerned that someone is about to find you looking at this site.

However, the quick close button will not delete your browser history. This means that if the person checks your browser history they will be able to see that you have visited this website.

If someone is monitoring your online activity using spyware or monitoring devices, they will still be able to see that you have visited this website.


Deleting large parts of your internet history may alert your abuser.

For information on deleting your internet history click here. For more information on your digital safety you can contact: